The possession rate for guns in this country is at 120%. What does that number mean? 120% ownership rate means that for every person in the US there is 20% more guns than people. In a group of 1000 people there would be 1200 guns. That's 200 MORE guns than anyone can effectively used if all 1000 were trained to use them and had passed the requirements. That percentage represents all 1000 of those people have a gun and 200 people own an additional gun.Picture this: all 1000 people gathered together in some amphitheater all armed, pointing their guns at their perceived enemies, with an extra 200 guns jst waiting to be used Can you imagine all 1000 meeting the requirements? Can you imagine the 200 guns - plus the ones that go to people who did not pass the background checks - that weren't being used sitting in a pile, some of them registered, some of them not? Does the idea of the surplus of instruments of death sitting in pile, just waiting for any one of those 1000 people who didn't pass the background checks and safety requirements getting a hold of ONE of those surplus guns scare you? Do you know 100 people who would pass the background check? Shouldn't the gun ownership percentage be a bit more representative of the number of people who should have guns? I don't know what that magical percentage is, but for all other countries in the entire world that percentage is at least below 60%.
It is estimated one in three people own a gun. That's 33.3%. In our test group there are 10 people which leaves three people with at least one gun: three people. The twelve guns are now distributed among the three people: four guns each between them. That's assuming that the guns a evenly divided. The dispersion is probably less linear: maybe one person owns one, one person owns two, and the last person owns nine. That's twelve guns for ten people, 120%. You can see the ridiculousness of these numbers.