If you're hoping to get any kind of response from 45 that is anywhere close to human...forget about it. There is nothing recognizably human about him.We are mad and amazed at his Obama-hating activities, and by voicing our displeasure we believe he will listen and change.Who are the foolish ones here?
Democracy will eventually win, but we need to voice our matters to those who still respect the law. Not 45, not Mitch, not Barr. The last two are still only "yes" men, people who have lost all perspective. They've been standing too close to that mythical "pot of gold" that is tyranny with mouths watering at the prospect of its riches of power and money. To them, they will all receive their due, in due course. As "Oingo Boingo" put it so succinctly, "No one lives forever". Their downfall from power and grace will definitely be epic.